Become a Big Buddy
Big Buddies make Big Impacts
You have a meaningful opportunity in front of you - not only to guide and inspire youth today but to transform their potential for tomorrow. And, your impact can directly strengthen our community.
By sharing some of your time, 3 to 4 times a month, you can give your Little Buddy the invaluable gift of friendship. As a friend, you can provide guidance and opportunities for your Little Buddy to learn and grow. By showing up, listening, and having fun, you can help change a young person’s perspective for the better. It can be as simple as going to the park together, playing a board game, or just hanging out in the valley.
Requirements: Connect/Meet with your Little Buddy 3-4 times per month for at least one year.
Who are our Little Buddies?
Little Buddies are local youth ages 6-18 who are referred by teachers, counselors, parents, guardians, other family members, or themselves.
They come from backgrounds of every type and they are amazing: they are smart, strong, funny, resilient, passionate, curious, and more. They can benefit from companionship, guidance, and encouragement. Like all of us, some are navigating recent or current challenges in their lives, while others are simply in a place in life where they want to try new things and have fun while meeting new people.
Who are our Big Buddies?
Big Buddies are responsible, caring individuals who are committed to making a difference in the life of a child. They volunteer initially for one year with options to continue throughout the years. They are a friend, positive role models, nurturers of possibilities, and advocates for their Little Buddy. They take the initiative to set up meetings with their Little Buddy and provide new opportunities for them to improve their outlook on life.
Read more about our volunteer guidelines in English
Read more about our volunteer guidelines en español

Invite a Youth
Is there a child in your life that would benefit from the extra support of a Big Buddy or the guidance of our LEAD Program?
Anyone – a parent or guardian, school counselor or administrator, social worker or friend – can invite a youth to our programs.
We serve youth ages 6 to 18 years old, from Aspen to Glenwood Springs, and in Rifle, Colorado.
Next Steps
Please fill out our youth invitation form below.
If you have additional questions regarding a child’s needs, please give us a call 970.920.2130

Become an Event Volunteer
Every summer, the Buddy Program has our two largest fundraisers: Bash for the Buddies and the Boogie’s Buddy Race. Over 100 dedicated and enthusiastic volunteers help make these major fundraising events successful.
Help with table set up and decorations
Help with bartending (must have TIPS training)
Help with clean up
Help with onsite duties
Boogie's Buddy Race
Working at the race pre-registration table
Handing out t-shirts and race bibs
Assisting at water stations
Assisting the timing company
Working the finish line
Being a race course or walk route marshal
Helping with cleanup and breakdown
View volunteer dates and opportunities
If you are interested in lending a hand, please visit https://app.donorview.com/NMnb6
Thank you for your support!

Ways to Donate and Sponsors
Your Support Matters!
The Buddy Program empowers youth through mentoring experiences to achieve their full potential. Every youth can positively benefit from having a mentor! Your support enables us to offer all of our programs and services to the youth and families we serve at no cost. Thank you for your contribution.
The Buddy Program is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Your donation may be tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
Our tax I.D. number is 74-2594693
All information concerning donors or prospective donors, including their names, addresses and telephone numbers, the names of their beneficiaries, the amount of their gift, etc., shall be kept strictly confidential by the Buddy Program, its staff, and volunteers, unless permission is obtained from donors to release such information
Ways to Donate
Annual Giving - your annual donation can be made online or by sending a check made out to The Buddy Program, along with your name, address, email, and telephone number to:
110 East Hallam Street, Suite 125
Aspen, Colorado 81611 -
Recurring Giving - join our community of loyal supporters with a monthly, quarterly, or bi-yearly git. Your recurring gift, in the amount you choose, will automatically charge to your credit card at the frequency you select. Make a difference, on your terms!
Donor Advised Funds and Family Foundations - The Buddy Program welcomes gifts from donor-advised Funds and Family Foundations. According to IRS regulations from these funds cannot result in any personal or material benefit, including event tickets.
IRA Charitable Rollover - The IRA charitable rollover allows donors aged 70.5 and older to make tax-free charitable gifts directly from their Individual Retirement Accounts to eligible charities. This allows the donor to meet their distribution minimum without any tax exposure. According to IRS regulations, gifts from these funds cannot result in any personal or material benefit, including event tickets.
Legacy Gift - Many of our supporters generously include a gift in their wills to ensure their legacy gift lasts forever.
Gift In Kind - Many local businesses donate their goods or services to the Buddy Program for our online auction or to support our youth, families, and volunteers directly. Please reach out to Laura Seay at lauras@buddyprogram.org or 970-317-2833
What your donation supports
Giving Level
National Council level
National Council
The Buddy Program’s National Council is a group of generous and influential individuals who support and advance the work of the organization.
Your National Council support helps the Buddy Program serve over 500 youth, families, Big Buddies throughout the Roaring Fork Valley through our four high-quality youth mentoring programs and other critical services. Your donation of $3,000 or purchase of a table at the Bash for the Buddies valued at $10,000 or more entitles you to membership in the National Council for one year from the date of your payment.
Invitations to special events, such as the Annual Celebration Dinner and the Board and National Council Cocktail Party
Prominent listing in Buddy Program publications, including the Annual Report and the Aspen Times thank you ads
Quarterly electronic newsletter
Advance purchase for all Buddy Program events including the Bash for the Buddies
Click here to join the Buddy Program’s National Council now! Please choose National Council from the drop-down gift designation list.
For more information about the Buddy Program’s National Council or to make a gift of stock, please contact Ali Welch, at 970-920-2130 or ali@buddyprogram.org
The Buddy Program offers Annual Sponsorships with year round benefits as well as event specific sponsorships for our Bash for the Buddies, Boogie’s Buddy Race, Buddy Program’s Online Auction, and the Gingerbread Workshop events! We offer many levels of sponsorship and make it our highest priority to ensure that we meet your business’s marketing and networking needs. Please reach out to Laura Seay at lauras@buddyprogram.org or 970-317-2833